



”Four Foundations of Mindfulness”
Two-Day Meditation Retreat & Dhamma Teachings

修習、多修習「四念處」,將能獲得身、心的寧靜,於今生快樂地生活,最後以智慧證得解脫。Four foundations of mindfulness, if practiced, made much of and plugged into, make both the mind and body become calm, and conduce to pleasant living in this very life, to the realization of the fruit of release by knowledge.

大念處經講座 “Mahasatipatthanasuttam” Dhamma teachings
日期Date: March 4th (Sunday) – 7th (Wednesday) 7:30pm-9:30pm
語言Language:中文Teachings in Chinese
地點Place:妙林蘭若 UBEF 14614 Palm Ave, Hacienda Heights

四念處禪二 ”Four Foundations of Mindfulness”2 Days Meditation retreat
日期Date: March 17th (Saturday) – 18th (Sunday) 9am-5pm
語言 Language:中文開示&英文翻譯 Teachings in Chinese & Interpret in English
地點Place:蘭卡廟 Lankarama Buddhist Institute
398 Giano Ave; La Puente, California 91744
請自備蓋脚巾,備有午齋結緣Please bring your own towel. Serve lunch.

主辦Sponsor:妙林蘭若 UBEF
協辦Co-sponsors: 蘭卡廟Lankarama Buddhist Institute
費用Tuition:免費 (歡迎隨喜贊助) Free (Donations are welcome and appreciated)
報名Register at www.wisdomlife.info (需事先報名 RSVP )
聯絡人Contact person: James 626-802-8770

開照比丘簡介Ajahn Kaizhao / Ajahn Yuttadhammo
1987年依止檳城洪福寺文建長老披剃出家。1990年在泰國受具足戒。曾親近文建長老 、繼程長老、Javana長老、修靜長老、Thongbai長老、帕奧長老學習禪法。現任美國寂靜禪舍宗教導師,沙巴寂靜禪林長老團成員和監獄佈教師。也常被邀請主持短期出家營、禪修營、靜修營、護法營、及主持佛法課程。
Venerable Ajahn Yuttadhammo became a Buddhist monk under Ven. Bhante Wen Jian in Penang, Malaysia in 1987. In 1990, he received his full ordination in the Theravada tradition in Thailand. He received meditation trainings from Thera Ji Cheng, Thera Xiu Jing, Thera Javana, Thera Thongbai, and Pa-Auk Tawya Sayadaw. He has travelled around the world, leading meditation retreats, giving dharma talks, and conducting programs of Experiencing Monastic Life for Laypeople. Currently, he is a member of the Advisory Committee of the Elders at Santavana Forest Hermitage, Sabah, Malaysia, and serves as the religion advisor for Santa Monastery in NY, USA.