性空長老  瑜伽師地論觀禪之生活實踐




性空長老 瑜伽師地論觀禪之生活實踐 January 2019
Venerable Dhammadipa - Vipassanā daily practice in Yogācārabhūmi-Śāstra

日期 Date: January 19-20, 2019; 9am-4:30pm (備有午餐。 serve lunch)
January 21-23, 2019; 7:30pm-9:30pm
語言 Language: Teachings in Chinese (中文)
主辦Sponsor :妙林蘭若 UBEF
地點 Location:14614 Palm Ave, Hacienda Heights
費用Tuition:免費 (歡迎隨喜贊助) Free (Donations are welcome and appreciated)
報名Register at www.wisdomlife.info (需事先報名 RSVP )
Contact: Janice 818 653-6883

Venerable Dhammadipa:
Venerable Dhammadipa was born in Czechoslovakia in 1949. Venerable speaks many languages, reads & translates Buddhist texts from Pali & Sanskrit.
Ordinations in three traditions of Buddhism Zen, Theravada & Mahayana show the Venerable’s direction of meditation practice & consistent study. In 1996, Venerable went to Myanmar to practice meditation with Venerable Pa Auk Sayadaw, and was recognized by the Sayadaw to be first of the Sayadaw's Western disciples qualified to teach meditation.
In recent years, Venerable has worked on the Jetavan Sakarwadi project in India to help the Sakarwadi Buddhist community. Venerable also established the Dhammadipa Foundation to establish Buddhist Education Center “Shanta Vana” in the Czech Republic.

1986年,長老前往日本,隨原田禪師出家修習曹洞宗, 法名性空。1987年,於斯里蘭卡依止那難拉瑪大長老(Nanarama Mahathera)受南傳出家戒,法名Dhammadipa。1989年於洛杉磯西來寺受漢傳三壇大戒,之後於台灣佛光山、中華佛研所擔任客座講師並開始於歐亞各地弘法。1996年赴緬甸親近當代禪修大德帕奧禪師(Pa Auk Sayadaw) 修習止觀禪法,甚得器重,為禪師最優秀的弟子之一,並被授意公開教導帕奧禪法。
長老認為學習佛法戒、定、智都很重要。特別強調『定』的修持。如果沒 有定,無法看清楚因緣法,就沒有辦法開展智慧,去除迷惑。
近年來,長老致力於印度的Jetavan Sakarwadi project,幫助Sakarwadi 佛教社區提升教育、醫療及整體生活水準,又成立並主持法島基金會(Dhammadipa Foundation),在捷克建立寂靜禪堂(Shanta Vana),以弘揚禪法,提供禪修者一個良好的修行環境。